Was My Ex a Narcissist Quiz?

Examining past relationships can stir up complicated feelings. You may be left with questions about a former partner’s confusing or hurtful actions. If you’ve ever asked yourself “was my ex a narcissist?” this quiz can provide some insights.

While only professionals can diagnose narcissistic personality disorder, this quiz explores common narcissistic behaviors in relationships. By reflecting on how your ex handled disagreements, emotional needs, boundaries and more, you can better understand the dynamics at play.

The goal is not to diagnose your ex, but to recognize patterns that may have felt unhealthy or caused you distress. This process is about your growth – learning from the past, gaining clarity, and moving forward with newfound awareness.

Remember, you know the relationship best. This quiz simply shines a light on moments you may have brushed aside. It’s a stepping stone to unpacking the complex emotions these relationships can stir up.

Let’s begin reflecting further.

How did your ex handle disagreements or conflicts in the relationship?

How did your ex respond to your emotional needs and expressions?

How did your ex handle compliments or positive affirmations?

How did your ex approach personal boundaries in the relationship?

How did your ex communicate during challenging times in the relationship?

How did your ex handle shared responsibilities in the relationship?

How did your ex respond to your achievements and successes?

How did your ex handle disagreements about personal values and beliefs?

How did your ex handle your need for personal space and alone time?

How did your ex approach discussing future plans and aspirations?

How did your ex handle moments of vulnerability and emotional openness?

How did your ex handle expressing affection and intimacy in the relationship?

How did your ex handle your emotional well-being during challenging times?

How did your ex handle moments of success and achievement in the relationship?

How did your ex respond to your expressions of vulnerability and emotional openness?

How did your ex handle disagreements about personal values and beliefs in the relationship?

How did your ex approach discussing future plans and aspirations in the relationship?

How did your ex handle your need for personal space and alone time in the relationship?

How did your ex handle moments of success and achievement in the relationship?

How did your ex handle your emotional well-being during challenging times in the relationship?

Was My Ex a Narcissist Quiz?
Understanding in a relationship involves the ability to comprehend and appreciate each other's perspectives, values, and needs. A higher score in understanding suggests effective communication and a willingness to navigate differences with empathy and compromise.
Recognition in relationships pertains to acknowledging and appreciating each other's achievements, qualities, and contributions. A higher score in recognition signifies an active effort to validate and celebrate the accomplishments and individuality of the partner.
Sympathy reflects the capacity to understand and share in the emotions and experiences of a partner, particularly during challenging times. A higher score in sympathy indicates a strong empathetic connection, where emotional support is readily offered and received.
Distance refers to the level of emotional or physical separation between individuals. It reflects how much space and independence each person needs within the relationship. High scores in distance may indicate a preference for personal space, while low scores suggest a desire for closeness and connection.
Ethan Archer
About Ethan Archer

Ethan is a writer and editor dedicated to exploring the dynamics of modern relationships. He also plays a pivotal role in shaping the editorial direction of RelationUp.

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