Relationships can be complicated. You may have found yourself wondering if your partner’s behaviors seem self-centered or if they lack empathy for your feelings.
While only a professional can diagnose a personality disorder, this quiz aims to help you spot some common patterns that can signal narcissism.
By answering questions about your interactions, you can gain more clarity into your relationship’s dynamics.
The goal isn’t to scientifically diagnose your partner, but to better understand their behaviors that may be confusing or upsetting. This can help you determine if these are one-off incidents or part of a problematic pattern requiring a closer look with the help of a counselor.
Remember—you know your relationship best. This quiz serves as a starting place to unpack some of those confusing moments and give you the knowledge to address any unhealthy patterns. Let’s begin reflecting on your partnership and gain some new perspective.
How does your girlfriend typically react when faced with criticism or feedback?
How does your girlfriend handle disagreements or conflicts in the relationship?
How does your girlfriend react to your achievements or successes?
How does your girlfriend approach conversations about her own accomplishments?
How does your girlfriend handle surprises or unexpected changes in plans?
How does your girlfriend handle stress or pressure in her life?
How does your girlfriend react to personal failures or setbacks?
How does your girlfriend approach decision-making in your relationship?
How does your girlfriend express affection in the relationship?
How does your girlfriend handle feedback about her appearance or style choices?
How does your girlfriend approach making compromises in the relationship?
How does your girlfriend react to your personal achievements outside the relationship?
How does your girlfriend react when you spend time with friends or engage in social activities without her?
How does your girlfriend handle disagreements about future plans or life goals?
How does your girlfriend react when faced with unexpected challenges in her personal life?
How does your girlfriend handle changes in the relationship routine or dynamics?
How does your girlfriend respond to expressions of vulnerability or emotional openness in the relationship?
How does your girlfriend approach making joint decisions about shared responsibilities?
How does your girlfriend handle interactions with your close friends or family members?
How does your girlfriend handle financial decisions and discussions in the relationship?
Is My Girlfriend a Narcissist Quiz?
Individuals with a high level of self-reflection possess the ability to introspect and analyze their thoughts and actions. They demonstrate a thoughtful and mindful approach to various aspects of life, including relationships.
Defensive individuals tend to react with a guarded or protective stance when faced with challenges, criticism, or feedback. This defensive posture may manifest as resistance or a need to protect themselves from perceived threats.
Individuals displaying indifference show a lack of strong emotional reactions or engagement in various situations. This could translate to a neutral or disinterested response to stimuli, whether it be personal achievements, challenges, or emotional expressions.
Hostile individuals exhibit aggressive, unfriendly, or antagonistic behavior, especially in response to perceived threats or challenges. This hostility may manifest as anger, defensiveness, or a confrontational attitude in interpersonal interactions.
About Ethan Archer
Ethan is a writer and editor dedicated to exploring the dynamics of modern relationships. He also plays a pivotal role in shaping the editorial direction of RelationUp.