Am I Losing Feelings For My Boyfriend Quiz?

That spark of excitement you felt at the start of your relationship – is it still there? Or have your feelings started to fade? It’s common for passion to mellow over time, but you may be wondering if your emotions are signaling something deeper.

Take this quiz to understand whether your love is going strong or if your heart is starting to check out. I’ll ask you questions about your attraction, happiness, interactions, and ability to be vulnerable with your boyfriend.

Your responses will reveal if your feelings are naturally maturing or if you’re emotionally withdrawing. While no quiz provides definitive answers, reflecting mindfully can help you tune into your heart.

You may feel reassured your relationship is progressing healthily. Or you may realize it’s time for a reset or deeper conversation about what you both need. Either way, listening to your emotional truth paves the way for relating authentically, even if that means making some hard choices.

Let’s find out!

How often do you find yourself thinking about your boyfriend throughout the day?

How do you feel when you spend time with your boyfriend?

How do you envision your future with your boyfriend?

How do you react when your boyfriend expresses affection towards you?

How frequently do you find yourself thinking about your boyfriend during the day?

How do you feel when spending time with your boyfriend?

How do you feel when making plans with your boyfriend?

How do you feel when spending time apart from your boyfriend?

How do you feel about the idea of introducing your boyfriend to your friends or family?

How do you feel when your boyfriend expresses affection towards you?

How do you feel about spending quality time with your boyfriend?

How do you feel about the future of your relationship with your boyfriend?

How do you feel when making future plans involving your boyfriend?

How often do you think about your future with your boyfriend?

How do you feel about physical intimacy with your boyfriend?

How do you feel when discussing your relationship with friends or family?

How do you feel when your boyfriend talks about his interests or experiences?

How often do you think about spending time with your boyfriend?

How do you feel about sharing your personal thoughts and feelings with your boyfriend?

How do you feel about your future together with your boyfriend?

Am I Losing Feelings For My Boyfriend Quiz?
Losing Feelings
Based on your responses, it appears that you are experiencing a notable decrease in emotional closeness or romantic attraction towards your boyfriend. You might feel distant or disconnected from him, with your feelings of love or affection diminishing.
Some Doubt
Based on your responses, it appears that you are experiencing occasional uncertainty or hesitation about your relationship. While you may still have feelings for your boyfriend, there are moments of doubt or questioning about the strength of your connection.
Occasional Thoughts
Based on your responses, it appears that you are occasionally pondering or thinking about your relationship. These thoughts come and go, but they don't dominate your mind or consume your thoughts continuously.
Based on your responses, it appears that you are constantly preoccupied with thoughts or concerns about your relationship. You may find yourself consistently questioning your feelings for your boyfriend and experiencing ongoing doubts or reservations.
Ethan Archer
About Ethan Archer

Ethan is a writer and editor dedicated to exploring the dynamics of modern relationships. He also plays a pivotal role in shaping the editorial direction of RelationUp.

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